The Power of “NO” calendar no organization overload overwhelm self-care

It is so important to say “No” these days – because until we learn to say “No” we continue to be stressed and overwhelmed with too much to do in not enough time.

And isn’t it usually our priorities (eg. our ideas, health, quality time with self or family) that...

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Byte Me organization overwhelm pack-rat physical space spam stale technology

It’s been several months since traditional spring cleaning.  Have you taken the time to “de-clutter” your physical space and breathe?

If not, take the opportunity to continue and to reinforce the habit of cleaning your space.  The transformation of your home...

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To Each His Own-VALUES IDENTIFICATION AND CLARIFICATION business career family fitness goals health mission values


It is time to identify your values. Getting clear about what’s most important to you in life will help you establish a firm foundation for every decision you make, investing or otherwise. Knowing your values will free you from those moments of...

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Changing your holiday thoughts? burn-out holiday recreation self-care


In the US, the holiday season is usually...

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Ten Ways to Celebrate the Winter Holidays 2020 2021 holiday party safe self-care


As I write this post, transitioning into winter 2020-2021, experts tell us that social gatherings over the next weeks are to be approached with great caution. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is surging and to keep yourself, your family and your friends safe, you need to be a bit more creative than...

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How Well Do You Play? beliefs money personal development play recreation self-care

“Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight.” Thomas Carlyle.

The Academy of Leisure Scientists, a group of academics who study time use, has determined that we get the most satisfaction from leisure activities that are difficult and challenging. It’s best for us to...

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