Three Seconds: Ten Tips to Protect Against Identity Theft court finance identity theft law security

If you are an average reader, it took you three seconds or less to read the title to this post. In the same amount of time, a thief nabbed someone’s identity. Sadly, our always-connected digital world, one that brings us many exciting and wonderful things through technology, has also...

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The Road to Perdition is Paved with What? choice moment self-care spiritual

We’re more than halfway through our summer and of our year 2020. Which, if any, of your New Years’ resolutions are still pending? What changes do you still want to make? How can you make this year better than last? Yes, I am aware that this is a most unusual year, due to circumstances...

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A Brain Teaser . . . brain fun intelligence riddle

Here is a fun brain teaser to test your reasoning skills

George asks Billy how old he is. Billy replies that two days ago he was 22, but next year, he’ll be 25 years old. How can this be?


Here is the solution: When George asks the question, it is January 1. Billy’s birthday is...

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Going Out On Top-Why Planning Your Exit Strategy Early is a Great Idea business exit finance retire self-care


The day you start to plan your business is the day you start to plan your exit strategy.

What if the time has now come for you to leave your business behind permanently? You may be selling your business, retiring from your business, moving on to another business that you want to create,...

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Exit strategy? death mad libs public speaking seinfeld self-care

 Remember Mad Libs?  You probably played this game with your kids on a car trip.  Or maybe you and your friends amused yourselves with an “adult” version of this pursuit after a few drinks.  If you don’t remember how it goes or, never tried a mad lib, here is...

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Belief it or NOT belief evidence money self-care success truth

Belief it or not

Limiting beliefs are your personal, general beliefs about the world, your environment and your situation, and the people around you that you perceive as standing in your way.   Newsflash! These beliefs will hold you back from success. Why and how so?  Simply...

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