To Each His Own

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It is time to identify your values. Getting clear about what’s most important to you in life will help you establish a firm foundation for every decision you make, investing or otherwise. Knowing your values will free you...

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How brave are you? bravery courage life


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COURAGE: It’s time to design your life. How brave are you? Remember, as the president of YOU, LLC you are the one who must make decisions on how you want to be investing the time of your life. If you don’t, someone else will....
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The Power of Commitment & Why it’s Okay to QUIT commit to win commitment quit



Why is commitment of the utmost importance in your life? Your ability to commit is the most important skills you can develop. It is one of the primary reasons for success or failure in life.

Commitment is the strategy utilized to match your aims. Consequently, it may be raised or...

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Natural Disasters, Other Calamities and YOU chaos finance insurance law legal natural disasters


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(By Michael Babiarz) (Note the part about the hurricane, we did as he said we would)

A toaster oven seems like an innocuous appliance. Perhaps more popular 20 years or so ago than today, I was surprised to find a decent selection of them at...

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It's About Time organized self-care stand up time

It’s About Time

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It’s About Time!

“Hey Hal, I forgot my lunch, so I am going to take $10 out of your wallet so that I can go eat,” commented Sean, a coworker, as he grabbed the cash and dashed off to lunch.


Hal thought...

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Enjoying Your Life? enjoy joy life

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How much are you enjoying your life?  Do you sometimes feel that you’re stuck in a bit of a rut?

Here is a great beginning exercise for determining whether you need to make some changes:

 Take out paper and pencil:

  • Reflect on...
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